Horrorbound Heart

KL Massey

♥️ blogger ♥️ writer ♥️ creativity coach ♥️ ARC reader ♥️

Greeting and salutations, dear readers. I’m glad that you’ve found me here amongst the shadows.

Determined to face my fears of self-doubt and procrastination, I am embarking on my journey towards becoming a writer of weird fiction. This blog will serve to document my psychotic ramblings along the way.

It’s safer if we go together. Won’t you join me?

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    August 2024 reading reviews.
    August is my birthday month and I took some well-deserved time off work to relax a little over the summer....
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    The Thinning Veil: How the Magic of Sleep Can Inspire Your Horror Writing
    Using sleep to fuel your creativity. All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. Poe It...
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    July 2024 reading reviews.
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    Top 5 ways to tackle your TBR pile.
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    May 2024 reading reviews.
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    Creative self-discovery: Day 144
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    "There is no exquisite beauty without some strangeness in the proportion."

    -Edgar Allan Poe