
My story

There is a primal urge that lurks within horror stories; an irresistible magic that draws us closer to our dark desires.

Horror touched my heart and found a home there, bringing curious comfort and a safe place of sanctuary. I am fascinated by the many ways in which horror can bring light to the darkest of topics. How beautifully it can intersect with the tender, tormenting experiences of life.

I am exploring the world of fiction writing by leaning in to my love of horror, discovering how to feed my monsters and letting them grow fat on my ideas. Horror offers such rich symbolism and connects with real-world, real-life themes that impact all of us, which is why it feels so important to me. I am proud to be a part of our diverse community.

My journey

My creative awakening began only recently with reading “The Artist’s Way”. It inspired me to trust the process, let go of my ego, and do the work. I started to do the things I love for the sake of love, for the sacred act of creation. And so it is, that I am here now, sharing my words and my story with you.

Each step of my journey places me further along the learning curve. By sharing my experiences, I can equip you with the tools necessary to confront your inner demons and craft your own narratives.

Writer bio

KL Massey resides in the beautiful city of Nottingham, England. 

Specialising in weird fiction, she crafts surreal and sensual short stories infused with deep emotions, mundane terrors, and layers of symbolism.

You will find collected musings on her blog, where she documents her journey of self-discovery as a writer, and offers guidance to those seeking to follow their own creative paths.

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"The scariest moment is always just before you start."

-Stephen King