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Top 5 ways to tackle your TBR pile.

5 ways to tackle your TBR pile for free.

The TBR Games.

So many books, so little time.

Book lovers love books. Sounds obvious, right? But somewhere along the line love can turn to obsession; a burning desire to possess every beautiful tome that catches your eye.

And that intense feeling can become overwhelming.

You may look upon your bookshelf fondly, cherishing the books you have chosen as they wait patiently for you to court them.

But when your heart is so open, it may result in conflicted feelings.

Has your book collection spiralled out of control? Are you spoiled for choice and stuck in decision paralysis, unable to decide what to read next from the piles stacked up on every available surface? Has your love grown so huge that it seems impossible to make a dent in your TBR; for every book you read many more spawn to take its place?

Then look no further than TBR games to bring a little spark back to your relationship with reading.

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Exposing my TBR pile.

The funny thing about books is that they seem to end up everywhere, and have crept into every corner of my home. There are books in the living room, books in the dressing room, books in the bedroom, and books in the office. There are yet more books on my desk at work, and scores more hibernating in my electronic devices.

This is an unrestrained blessing and I am extraordinarily grateful that I have access to so many books of my choosing, in addition to having access to my local library and their online services, offering me more books than I could ever possibly hope to read in my lifetime.

That said, the impact of having all these objects creates a mental load to carry, and it can feel a strange burden to be the bearer of so many gifts.

I decided to take stock of my TBR pile to write this blog post, and here I lay bare the truth of my situation.

There are currently 183 books in my physical TBR pile, and a further 94 ebooks in my digital TBR pile.

This makes no mention of the audiobooks that I access through my library and subscription audio apps, and truly I am uncertain how to quantify these in the way I have for physical books and digital files.

Let the games begin.

If you are in a similar position with an oversized TBR pile that seems to never stop growing, you might want to try playing some of these games to help you make progress with your reading goals and reduce down your TBR pile.

All of these games can be played for absolutely free, making them accessible to all no matter the size of your book collection.

Game 1: Go in blind.
books, bookshelf, reading-4095266.jpg
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This is the fastest way to pick your next read, and everyone can do it.

All you need to do it turn your books around so the pages are facing outward, instead of the spines.

Then just grab one and go!

However, this might not be the best option for you if you have a lot of special edition books – for example with sprayed edges – which will remove the element of surprise.

Game 2: Choose at random.

If you want a hint in the right direction that still gives you some choice, try The TBR Machine. This website will generate a random prompt which you can then interpret and use to guide you in choosing your next read.

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I tried clicking the button a few times and received a range of challenges, some more specific than others.

  • Read a book set in a school or a university.
  • Read a book with food on the cover.
  • Read a hyped book that everyone has been saying is great.
  • Read a book that has won an award.
  • Read a book written by a female author.

Give it a try and see what suggestions you get!

Game 3: Make a TBR jar.

This is an easy way to choose your next book without overthinking it, but does require some work up-front.

Cut up some strips of scrap paper and write down the name of each TBR book title on an individual paper strip. Fold up the strips so you can’t see the title, and pop the papers inside an old clean jar.

Next time you’re ready to choose a new book to read, reach into the jar and pick out a paper slip at random. That’s your next read!

This method also has the bonus of creating a visual impact which can be motivating. Every time you remove a slip of paper, you will see the overall progress in reducing your TBR pile.

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There is a great tutorial over at Down the Book Jar which shows you exactly how to go about making your own TBR jar with step-by-step instructions.

Game 4: Play book bingo.

There are so many variations of book bingo available. You can find seasonal bingo, holiday bingo, genre bingo, and many many more. Pick a bingo card that matches your reading preferences and play along using books in your TBR pile.

Try doing a google search to find a theme or challenge that appeals to you.

I am mostly a horror genre reader so it makes sense that I would choose a bingo focused on spooky reads, Halloween reads, or classic horror tropes.

Look to find something that fits your reading style so you can easily select books in your TBR pile that fit the bingo prompts.

I missed Summerween this year, but it looks like a fun challenge and I will try to sign up next year. This particular bingo card also includes some non-reading activities to take a bit of the pressure off and brings a neat twist into the challenge.

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Some people will call bingo when they achieve a completed line, and other people will call bingo when they achieve a fully completed grid. Do what works best for you!

Game 5: Read the first line.

Inspired by Elizabeth of Plant Based Bride.

Watch the full video here.

Try reading the first line of your TBR books and see how it makes you feel.

You could approach this the same way Elizabeth does, by reading the first line of every book on her TBR pile and ranking them, then choosing one of the 5-star ratings to read next.

You could also approach this by reading the first line of books in your TBR pile until you find one that really draws you in, and then just keep reading it!

This method might have some surprising results, and can be an interesting way to choose a new read based on your mood at the time.

The final word.

It is important to remember that reading is FUN. We are readers because we love reading. We are bookworms because we love books.

Take some time to bring curiosity and play back into your hobby, and enjoy the feeling of fun as you embark upon all the adventures that are waiting within the stacks of your TBR pile.

Release yourself from any feelings of shame and guilt that your TBR pile might evoke, and indulge yourself in the thrill of beginning something new.

Happy reading!

Questions for you:
How many books are in your TBR pile?
Will you be playing any of these games?
What is your next read from your TBR pile?

Bookish socials

You can find me on the following platforms, posting about my reading goals and writing projects.

Goodreads @heartofhorrors
Instagram @heart_of_horrors
Storygraph @heartofhorrors
And all the rest via linktree @heartofhorrors

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